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Our achievements

28 10 2024 y.In the year of 2023 “Perm Chemical Company” LLC came into TOP-10 national rating of high developing high-tech companies “Techup” according to three nominations.

The most efficiently-run companies are divided according to three main categories: TOP-10 biggest companies (by amount of income), TOP -10 growth companies (according to income growth ratio) and TOP -10 innovative companies (technological level of output product, its modernity, intellectual property of companies and also research and development costs and technological innovations are estimated). TOP-10 companies with high export capacity were distinguished to the extent of additional nomination in the year of 2015.

On the rating results, “PCC” LLC won:

10-th place in TOP-10 growth companies:


2-nd place in TOP-10 innovative companies:


1-st place in TOP 10 companies with high export capacity:

Press release of “PCC” LLC on October 28, 2015 Techup

08 09 2024 y."Perm Chemical Company LLC" became the laureate of the Russian High-Technology Fast-Growing Companies Rating “TekhUspekh-2024”, included in the top 80 best companies.

23 12 2023 y."Perm Chemical Company LLC" became the laureate of the Russian High-Technology Fast-Growing Companies Rating “TekhUspekh”, included in the top 100 best companies.


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